Fire alarms are increasingly becoming a joke to the students as many choose to ignore the false alarms.
Category: Uncategorized
Senior Night- A Night to Remember
The junior class of North Hollywood High’s Highly Gifted Magnet host an unforgettable night for the seniors and faculty.
Cypress student gets accepted into the United World College
Edgar Jaramillo, a junior at Cypress High School was chosen through several interview procedures to study at the United World Colleges (UWC) for the 2012-2014 school years. UWC consists of twelve international schools and colleges throughout the globe. It was established in 1962 and its programs have been continuing since then. Christina (Hyun Jung) HwangMore…
Change Your Chocolate
Did you ever know that the chocolate you eat are made through child labor? Jeong Min Park in Korea International Schools raises funds to prevent further child labor.
Red Rose Revolution Is A Bit Thorny
Despite offensive slurs and thrown carrots, Cleveland High students are plucky and determined as ever to make their statement across.
Budget Cuts threaten to slash important courses at LACES
The school year is coming to an end and many Los Angeles Center for Enriched Studies (LACES) students have started to submit their elective sheets for the upcoming year. However, due to the relentless California educational budget cuts, many essential courses are unlikely to be available for countless students. Daniel LeeDaniel Kangmin Lee is…
American Cancer Society: Relay For Life
Every year, around 2 million people in the United States alone get diagnosed with a type of cancer. To support all these diagnosed people, Irvine’s Great Park held an event by teaming up with the American Cancer Society and creating an event called Relay for Life. Eunice KimEunice Kim has been part of JSR since…
Houla Massacre leaves more than hundred civilians dead
Syrians have been involved in an intense uprising against the Syrian government since 2011. See why this massacre tops the chart of human rights violation.
Juniors Host Memorable Party for Seniors
On June 1, 2012, the North Hollywood High School Highly Gifted Magnet’s seniors were treated to a party hosted by the program’s juniors.
“Reading Like a Writer”: A Fresh Look At Literature
“Can creative writing be taught?” It’s a question that many aspiring writers have asked, and this is the question that Francine Prose addresses in her book, “Reading Like a Writer.” Andrew Y KimMore Posts