Janet Hwang, a junior at Orange County High School of Arts has recently started a Chalk Art Club in the city of Cypress.
Category: Uncategorized
Game Addiction Among Multicultural Children
A report from the Bureau of Advancement of Informationization of Korea showed that the rate of internet addiction among children of multicultural households, 37.6 percent) is three times that of children of normal households, 12.3 percent.
A Journey Into the Wild
Students from around the Greater Los Angeles area head off for a summer within nature as a part of Earthwatch Institute’s Los Angeles Student Fellowship Program.
“As One (2012)” celebrates Team Korea
Korean film “As One” tells the story of the joint North-South Korean national table tennis team in 1991.
Palos Verdes Peninsula High School’s Debate Team’s Carwash
Palos Verdes Peninsula High School’s Speech and Debate Team holds a car wash to raise money for the incoming school year.
“Go Tell it on the Mountain” Book Review
John Grimes walks a bumpy road to the threshing floor filled with struggles and disappointments.
Meet ‘Family Guy’ creator Seth Macfarlane
Seth Macfarlane, the creator of hit TV series “Family Guy,” was born in 1973, in Kent, Conn. At an early age, Macfarlane developed a natural inclination to drawing cartoon characters, such as Fred Flintstone and Woody Woodpecker. By the age of five, Macfarlane was already creating flip books full of creative illustrations. He also regularly submitted his comic strips to a local newspaper, which paid him five dollars each week.
Kyungwon Lee
Kyungwon Lee, also known as K.W. Lee, was born in 1928 in Kaesong, North Korea and received his education at Korea University. Lee has covered a variety of social justice issues, most notably the hardships of Appalachian coal miners who were exposed to the black lung disease, the civil rights movements during the Jim Crow Era in the South, and the exoneration of wrongly convicted Chol Soo Lee from the San Quentin Death Row
Jonathan Franzen’s “Freedom” Is a Mixed Bag
In 2010, Jonathan Franzen released his latest novel, “Freedom”. It had been 10 years since the arrival of his book “The Corrections”, which won the National Book Award. Like “The Corrections”, “Freedom” tells the story of a typical American family, the Berglunds, as they overcome both familial as well as political troubles. But this time, Franzen attempts to document American life during the first decade of the twenty-first century.
Must Have iPad Applications
With the advent of the iPad, the need to carry around bulky, cumbersome laptops has been eliminated. But are students taking full advantage of all the applications provided in the App Store?