The patent trial between global tech companies Apple and Samsung begins as Apple sues Samsung for appropriating the hardware and software of the iPhone and iPad, and incorporating them into the Samsung Galaxy and Tab.
Category: Uncategorized
Suzuki Institute Hosts Chamber Music Workshop
The Southern California Suzuki Institute hosted a Chamber Music Workshop where twenty five string students aged twelve to seventeen and divided into six ensembles with one trio, three quartets, and two quintets learned about music theory and practiced their group and Chamber Orchestra pieces for Thursday, July 21, the day of concerts
South Koreans React to Olympic Controversies
South Koreans react to various controversies during the 2012 Olympic Games.
Female Olympians Fight Public Scrutiny
Female Olympians Defend Athleticism
The Response to Claas Stubbe’s Suicide
Rainer Reinscheid, a UCI professor, was recently discovered to have sent emails to his wife, detailing a massacre at his late son’s school in Irvine, CA.
Got Gangnam Style?
Psy’s new hit song Gangnam Style is praised by people worldwide.
The Korean Soccer Team Rises Once Again
The men’s Korean soccer team beats England and makes it to the semi-finals in the London Olympics.
KCC Gives Voice to the Voiceless
Members of the Korean Church Coalition (KCC) gathered in Washington DC to become the voice for the voiceless, to advocate for North Korean human rights on behalf of the countless suffering within North Korean borders.
Obamacare Is Upheld In Historic 5-4 Decision
All in a day: Roberts strays from his Republican Party, a penalty is interpreted as a tax, and Obamacare gets upheld – but not before it is mistakenly declared unconstitutional in a journalistic error.
Aurora Shooting Leaves 12 Dead, Many More Wounded
A brutal shooting rampage by a seemingly deranged “villain.” A scene from the newest Batman film? No, it’s the Aurora mass shooting.