The California court finally reached a verdict in the patent infringement trial between two giants in the smartphone industry: Apple Inc. and Samsung Electronics.
Category: Uncategorized
Apple Stocks Soar to All-time High
Apple stocks have reached a new all time high.
California Students Compete at National Latin Convention
Toga parties are a common tradition on college campuses, but from July 26 to 31 at Wake Forest University in North Carolina, an unusual toga party was taking place.
Marc Riboud: After the Curtain falls
‘Eiffel Tower Painter, A Marc Riboud Retrospective, Photo Exhibition’ has ended. How was it?
Eating egg yolks as hazardous as smoking cigarettes?
Eating egg yolks may be as dangerous as smoking cigarettes.
South Korean Soccer Team Makes History
The bronze-medal match was unlike any other, with the South Koreans earning their first ever medal in Olympic soccer and a military exemption by defeating their rival neighbors, Japan.
Studying the SAT in Foreign Countries
Many students go to Korea to study for the SAT, where private educational institutes are praised for their great programs and qualified teachers.
Disparity of Social Classes in Cambodia
Cambodia, a South East Asian country, is a third world country still undergoing economic and social development.
Editorial: To Kill or Not to Kill?
John Wise walked into a hospital room and shot his wife in the head. Was this a mercy killing or murder?
Big Brother, Big Sister to the Rescue
LACES has another successful 6th grade orientation with Homeroom Leaders to the rescue.