Students express mixed opinions toward “yaja,” a nighttime self-studying system.
Category: Uncategorized
Korean movie ‘Pieta’ honored at the Venice International Film Festival
Kim Gi-duck, a Korean movie director, won the 69th Venice International Film Festival’s top prize, the Golden Lion with the film called “Pieta.”
Youth Get Involved in North Korean Human Rights
Approximately 120 students from high schools of Seoul and Geunggi province gathered together to participate in the simulation congress and speech contests concerning the North Korean Human Rights Act.
Soyuz Capsule Safely Returns
The Russian capsule Soyuz finally made its landing on the Central Asian steppes of Kazakhstan and wrapped up the four-month mission to the International Space Station, delivering the three astronauts from their mission.
Facebook’s Downfall?
With rising questions over its new features and privacy settings, Facebook’s once massive growth rate now touches the other end of the stick.
Space Shuttle Endeavour Launches for the Final Time
The space shuttle Endeavour launches for its final mission and is scheduled to return June 1.
Is Chemical Castration a Reasonable Penalty?
In South Korea, a man was detained for abducting and raping a 7-year-old girl in Naju city.
Apple: Up or Down?
Apple Inc. is a company that made the world-best selling smart phone ‘iPhone’. This company’s logo is a picture of an apple that has one side of it is bitten off. This company was found in California, 1976, by Steve jobs and his partner, Wozniak. Ever since, they made computers, Macintosh, and other electronic devices….
Virus Kills 2 Yosemite Campers
A virus called the Hantavirus killed two Yosemite campers.
NFL Replacement Refs Should be Replaced
While the NFL replacement referees might be endangering the positions of the regular ones, they are also endangering something else: the value of the NFL. The NFL needs new referees, and they need them now.