After the recent success on sending a rover on Mars, the American and European scientists proposed a new plan of floating a boat on Titan, the the largest moon of Saturn. NASA, the European Space Agency (ESA), and the Italian Space Agency (ISA) revealed that they have worked on a plan to float a boat…
Category: Uncategorized
‘Things Fall Apart’: Introducing African Literature to the Mainstream
Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe is a powerful example of African literature that simultaneously traces two intertwining stories concerning the clash of conflicting ideologies.
Parental Apps: A Good Way to Keep Track of Your Children
Many parents over the past few years have wondered desperately for a way to get kids off their phones, and more importantly a way to monitor what they do on their phones. The majority of these parents have resorted to “old school” methods such as reading text messages and checking their browsers for anything suspicious….
Irvine Celebrates Cultural Diversity
The City of Irvine held its 11th annual Irvine Global Village Festival.
Bring on the Scare: Knott’s Scary Farm
The haunting thrill of the year is back! Every year there is a crowd of avid participants of the annual Knott’s Scary Farm “ritual”. People come at late hours and seem to enjoy the pleasure of being chased after clown and other unpleasant costumed people. Knott’s Berry Farm was actually created in resemblance of a…
U.S. Consulate Attack Revealed as Organized Terrorist Plot
On Sept. 28, U.S. intelligence announced that the attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya on September 11 was an organized and systematic event rather than a spontaneous riot. At first, American intelligence believed that the attack was simply one of many anti-American riots that spread throughout the Middle East in reaction to the…
The Return of the Past
A large demographic of modern teens are seeking older generational music. The modern pop music has entered a phase of technology. Songs are created completely synthetically with the uses of auto tune or virtual instruments via computer generated beats and sounds with no actually need for live equipment. This “electronic” genre of music has attained…
Student Faces Felony Charge for Food Fight Attack
Connor Floyd-Elsesser is now facing felony charges because of an uncertain attack on a teacher during a food fight at school.
Opposition to 710 Freeway Extension
Proposals to extend the 710 freeway continue to face opposition by Pasadena and South Pasadena residents
Koreans Unhappy With Their Country
One would think that Koreans–people who have everyday access to what foreign people come so far to try–would obviously love living in Korea. However, that is apparently not the case.