Terrence Park, an talented UC student, has “come out” as an undocumented immigrant.
Category: Uncategorized
University High Looks Forward to a New Athletic Facility
In September, University High School will have improved athletic facilities as well as a new football stadium.
Book Eschews the Rules of Perfection
In Wreck This Journal by Keri Smith, adventure lies in between the lines.
US Officials Reveal Covert N. Korea Trips
The LA Times has reported two secret diplomatic trips to N. Korea in 2012.
Cheerleaders Converge for KAIAC Competition
Seoul Foreign School recently played host to the KAIAC Cheerleading Competition.
Students Have Amazing Myanmar Experience
In Myanmar, students from four schools learned leadership styles and new cultural perspectives.
Water Project Gives Splash of Hope
Sixteen year-old Daniel Kang founded a school club to provide water to the needy in Africa.
Airline Merger Raises Fare Fears
The merger of American Airlines and US Airways is raising concerns about price and consumer choice.
Social Media Propels Harlem Shake Craze
A wave of Internet music has hit the world, and the Harlem Shake is the newest craze.
Stem Cell Trials Show Promising Results
The $96.2 million spent on UCI stem cell research is beginning to pay off.