For many high school students, it is time to pick and request classes for the next school year. Especially for the incoming juniors, there is the possibility of high levels of anxiety and stress as junior year is a year of high priority for many. It is the year that they sign up for as…
Category: Society, Politics, Lifestyle, and Culture
Are High School Relationships Worth It?
Dating is a sensitive subject for all age groups – including many high school students. Most teenagers in today’s age are open about dating. When students enter high school, many openly look for love, hoping to find “the one.” The beginnings of relationships are exciting – especially for young high school students in their first…
Cruises Make the Best Weekend Trips
It was the month of January and the week of Martin Luther King Jr. weekend, and the weather was turbulent and stormy. But the bad weather didn’t stop the thousands of people from gathering around the busy port of Long Beach to go on a four day Carnival Inspiration Cruise vacation. The 855 ft long…
DeleteUber: What happened?
After President Donald Trump issued his “Protection Of The Nation From Foreign Terrorist Entry Into The United States,” more commonly known as Trump’s travel ban, different taxi companies of the New York Taxi Workers Alliance refused to pick up passengers at the John F. Kennedy International Airport on January 28th from 6 to 7 p.m….
A New Semester, A New Goal
At the outset of the new year, many high school students begin to stress about their SATs and college applications, and 2017 may be their last chance to improve their grades and scores. As such, students have adopted new goals for the new year. Studying constantly has been the one thing that high school students…
Memes Hold Massive Societal Influence
Memes Hold Massive Societal Influence Over the past several years, a new online culture has been sweeping through all forms of social media: memes. The original definition of “meme,” as posited by the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, is “an idea, behavior, style, or usage that spreads from person to person within a culture.” The second definition provided…
Unknown Yet Serious Violence Continues in the DRC
Even before the Democratic Republic of the Congo gained its independence from Belgium in 1960, the rich mineral resources of the central-African country have been of primary interest to both domestic and foreign powers. The DRC holds one of the world’s largest supplies of diamonds, gold, silver, cobalt, uranium, oil, coal, and tropical forests. During…
Crescenta Valley AFJROTC Prepares for SCIDM
Crescenta Valley High School Air Force Junior ROTC (Reserve Officer Training Corps) is preparing for SCIDM, short for Southern California Invitational Drill Meet. This annual meet is a competition with drill and color guard teams from all over the nation in which team displays their proficiency in either flags or rifles. On top of this,…
What are New Year’s Resolutions Exposing About Us?
As 2017 gets underway, people all around the world are making New Year’s Resolutions. The purpose of these resolutions is to encourage individuals to begin a new chapter of personal success and embetterment. Despite the fact that New Year’s Resolutions expose to us our lack of perseverance and determination, something more can be seen hidden…
First Impressions
Whether you’re meeting new people or preparing for an interview, there are qualities that you don’t want to display. However, in spite of how hard you may try, impromptu encounters seem to demand that you slip to say something you wish you didn’t or do something you want to take back. The majority of an…