How do you think women are portrayed in the media? For the past few decades, women have always been seen as inferior to men. They are objectified in ads, seen negatively by the audience, and overall seen as powerless. Also, have you ever paid attention to what women are seen wearing on TV shows and…
Category: Society, Politics, Lifestyle, and Culture
GUSD Test Errors Leave Concerns
Recently, a letter from the Glendale Unified School District was sent out to all students and their guardians. The letter states that there was an error in the CAASPP test that students took during the school year. The results of this test came in June, during the summer vacation, and was resent in October. …
Between the World and Me: Through the Eyes of an Asian Teen
“ You are the bearer of a body more fragile than any other in this country.” These were the words of Ta-Nehisi Coates to his son in his novel Between the World and Me. In his epistolary memoir, Coates, an American author and journalist, attempts to explain to his son about his own fear and…
Caring for your Pet
With over 40 million households caring for a pet in the United States alone, the care and nurture for these family companions holds a pivotal element in families. Many factors such as food brand choice, pet health care, space, and treatment all weave into the effect of their well being. With the reliance upon pet…
“Me Too”
One in five women will experience rape in her lifetime. One in seventy-one men will experience rape in his lifetime 43% of heterosexual women, 75% of bisexual women, and 46% of lesbian women reported being sexually assaulted. 21% of heterosexual men, 47% of bisexual men, and 40% of gay men reported of the same thing….
Model Minority Deconstructed
Many people have probably heard that Asian Americans are also the model minority. However, the biggest issue in the Asian American community is this label of being the model minority. Although it may not seem to be an issue, this stereotype creates many problems for Asian Americans. It is widely thought that Asian Americans…
An Original and a Translation
Han Gang is a South Korean bestseller author of the novel “The Vegetarian”, a sensational tale about a housewife who refuses to eat meat due to violent nightmares, growing insane as the story goes on. “The Vegetarian” was originally published in 2007 in Korean. Even then, the novel received a positive response, but it was…
“Tiger Mom”: Good or Bad?
Every parent wants their child to succeed in life. In a time when the value of an individual can be determined by a single letter, it’s not surprising to see that more and more parents are hovering over their child’s gradebook to immediately reprimand them for any grade that doesn’t meet their standard. Of course,…
Dia De Los Muertos
While the US is busy preparing to have the spookiest Halloween celebration, their neighboring country, Mexico is working extremely hard to have the brightest yet most exotic Halloween-like and traditional celebration for themselves. Term El Dia de los Muertos (The Day of the Dead), this Mexican festival, as a memorial for the dead, is celebrated…
Editor’s Column The Busan Bullying Incident Raises Greater Concerns
This article contains graphic images “She was covered in blood and was lying on the floor, with a hat covering her face…” These were the words that a witness used to describe the horrific bullying incident in Busan of South Korea which caused global outrage after the victim’s story was posted online. A group of…