Students feel that spending too much time on phones is harmful.
Category: Science, Technology, Health, and Environment
Scientists Create Cyborg Roses
Technology tells flowers when to bloom.
E. Coli Scare Hurts Chipotle
Customers are reconsidering Chipotle.
JPL Attracts the Masses With Open House
JPL opened its doors to the community last month.
Hurricane Spares Guadalajara
Students at ASFG weren’t too scared.
Student Speculates About Martian Water Discovery
What does water on Mars mean for us?
Summer Babies Enjoy Health Benefits
Being born in the summer may make you taller, and more!
Algorithms Automate Human Skills
Algorithms might one day outpace us analytically.
Mealworms Reduce Plastic Waste
Darkling beetle larvae can survive on Styrofoam.
Stress Affects Everybody
We need to reduce our stress to remain healthy.