During the summer, many high school students plan to work their first part-time job. Oftentimes, these experiences are crucial in building the work experiences and confidence of a growing teen. By working part-time jobs, high school students are able to earn extra pocket money while learning important life skills. Students can also learn how to…
Category: Education
End Procrastination Today!
As of July 3, it has been exactly 110 days since the last school closure in California. Many students and adults have found ways to cope with their current quarantined situation, but even now, many others still have a hard time staying motivated and finishing their tasks. Some days students and adults may feel weary,…
Korean AP Task Force, Will Korean Be Added as an AP test?
CollegeBoard is a nonprofit organization that runs the AP program and the SATs. The AP program is an Advanced Placement course which prepares students for a regulated test at the end of the semester. This test, if passed with high marks, allows students to “skip” this course in colleges/universities. Not only that, but the AP…
The Benefits of Working on a Highschool Startup
Now more than ever, high school students are seeking extracurriculars and ways to pass their time. I have been able to personally pursue my interest in entrepreneurship with my business partners, as we have spent these months preparing to launch our project, Munch. High school startups are surprisingly common as avenues for students to…
The New Format of AP Testing and How it Affects Students
From May 11 to May 22, students in the US and across the world took their Advanced Placement (AP) exams online. Because of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, this was the first time in AP history that students were able to take their tests at home and not in a traditional classroom setting with a proctor….
How to Volunteer During Social Distancing
As social distancing continues to limit one’s ability to go outside, high school students are anxious about their extracurriculars and volunteer service hours. These weeks of quarantine have definitely put us all into a state of anxiety and worry for the days ahead. However, there are still ways to be a part of the community…
Bringing TEDxBOHS Online
“TEDx” is a program created by the TED organization, which was built to provide everyday people the opportunity to host their own speech events in their local areas. With over 30,000 past events hosted across the world, TEDx is a program widely used by many groups, to give participants the ability to speak about their…
Building the Hours Away While Self-Distancing
During this period of self-isolation and social distancing at home, many may find themselves running out of activities to do. Some may find themselves lying on their beds watching Netflix, unaware of the passing hours. However, there are several ways to be creative and entertained at home. One idea is to build props and…
How to Remain Productive in a Different Type of School Environment
School had been canceled for more than half a million students because of the rising coronavirus pandemic. With more than 100,000 confirmed cases in the U.S alone, recent updates by the school district to combat the coronavirus health crisis stated that schools will remain closed until May 1st, and most likely for the rest of…
Therapeutic Activities in the Online World
During quarantine, it can be hard to find something to do. Sure, Netflix and Youtube are enticing for the first couple of days, but beyond the initial excitement of that sense of freedom, the hours spent staring at the screen and feeling your brain turn to sludge can get a bit old. Yet, doing absolutely…