Motor vehicle crashes are the number one cause of deaths among teenagers in the United States.
Category: Community and School
Vladovic Avoids Censure But Not Scrutiny
The school board president faces allegations of misconduct.
Middle Schoolers Get Exclusive Dance
Whitney High hosts students from grades 7-12.
Feature: Are SAT Boot Camps Worth It?
They’re popular, but do they guarantee results?
Alum Speaks to Harvard-Westlake
Scott Becker graduated from the local high school in 2005.
Feature: Despite Efforts, Bullying Problem Persists
There’s a bullying epidemic in our schools.
Educators Debate Performance-Based Pay
Some people believe teachers should be fiscally rewarded for results.
Whitney High Draws Blood
Whitney High School held a blood drive with the American Red Cross.
Theme Park Fights Holiday Hunger
For Thanksgiving, thrill-seekers opened their pantries for a food drive at Six Flags.
MONA Move Excites Glendale
The Museum of Neon Art is coming to Glendale in 2014.