Over 1,000 students gathered on the campus of CSU Long Beach for a Speech and Debate competition.
Author: Seo Jin Lee
Seo Jin Lee first started the JSR program during Spring Semester 2013 as a reporter and now is in her second semester as a student editor. As a sophomore at Crescenta Valley High School, Seo Jin is actively involved in her high school’s mock trial and speech and debate team, and enjoys listening to music by Imagine Dragons and Bastille. She hopes to explore the field of journalism and to be a great asset to the JSR program.
Social Media Monitoring is Good For Students
GUSD is keeping an eye on online student activity.
US Should Intervene
Seo Jin Lee argues that the US should actively fight human rights abuses.
Rowling Revealed as Cuckoo’s Creator
The Harry Potter creator has a new pen name.
Alex Shin is a Leader On and Off the Court
Meet Crescenta Valley High School’s Alex Shin, a determined volleyball fanatic.
Water Project Gives Splash of Hope
Sixteen year-old Daniel Kang founded a school club to provide water to the needy in Africa.
Students Have Varied Opinions on Guns
Not everyone agrees about gun control.