La Canada High School’s 2020-21 yearbook was completed in early June, due to most of the school year being online. It was also the same for the 2019-20 yearbook, as there was a lockdown in the second semester of the school year, causing a production delay. However, the 2021 yearbooks arrived on July 20th, which…
Author: Holly Bae
The Benefits of Having an Apple Watch
I first bought my Apple watch after graduating from the sixth grade. But never did I know that the small device would be as useful as it currently is. To be honest, I didn’t wear my watch for four years. Not because it wasn’t useful, but because I couldn’t wear it during some of my…
My Journey to Become Healthier
Beginning in late June, I changed my mindset and decided to work more on myself. I have been mainly sedentary during the past year due to quarantine and online schooling. Every day was mostly the same for me. Sit on my chair. Turn on my computer. Work for hours. Whether it be completing assignments or…
How to Prepare for a Hiking Trip
It’s that time of the year, the perfect time for hiking. Recently, I went hiking in the Van Norden Meadow, and learned quite a lot. There are so many beautiful aspects of nature that you are able to see on a hiking trip, but in order to enjoy them, you need to prepare well. Trust…
How Sports Have Been Looking Differently
2020 was different. School was different. Sports were different. Athletes at La Canada High School began to practice in October due to COVID-19. However, as cases began to spike during the winter season, the campus had to close down, resulting in a pause to all sports. In late February, when cases decreased, the school reopened…
Window Art Paint
At the initial onset of the pandemic, people had no option but to stay indoors or at their homes. Many people found hobbies that truly interested them, and out of which I was one. I tried a variety of new things, from cooking to diamond art painting. I decided that every month I would start…
How I Utilize My iPad Pro in My Daily Life
After some thinking and planning, I decided to buy Apple’s 11-inch iPad Pro last October. During that time, the iPad Air (2020) was to be released, and I contemplated between the iPad Pro and the iPad Air for quite a while, discovering the differences and the pros and cons between the two devices. I ended…
Yearbook Class is Working During Pandemic
Despite the pandemic, La Canada High School’s yearbook staff is working hard to write stories, gather images, and design spreads. As of March 11th, there were approximately 2,000 photos from various events and activities that students have sent or the staff has taken. From September 2020 to February of this year, students sent in their…
High School Yearbook Creation during Quarantine
Who would have imagined creating a yearbook at home? When physically at school, La Canada High School used Adobe software applications such as InDesign, Photoshop, Illustrator, and Bridge on iMac desktops to create their yearbooks. However, yearbook staffers had to switch their designing software from InDesign to Encore. The reason being that although staffers may…
[Editor’s Column] Crocheting; A Hobby to Pass the Time
During the summer and quarantine, I had the opportunity to find new hobbies. I have found many activities I enjoyed, such as creating bead bracelets and making desserts, but out of all the activities, I found crocheting to be the hobby that I enjoyed the most. TikTok is an online platform where people can upload…