On March 4th 2012 – Newport – Mesa took place at the Fashion Island, Newport Beach. There were many marathons ranged from ½ mile to 10k run. The first race, 10K started at 7:00 a.m. with national anthem.
Newport – Mesa Spirit Run (NMSR) is presented by a nonprofit public benefit corporation. NMSR is managed by a board of parent volunteers representing several schools in the Newport – Mesa unified school district.
NMSR has been presenting these marathons and running events to present a community event promoting childhood fitness. They also offer scholarship to children in the district who are financially unable to pay.
In this event, not only runners prepared to run in the morning but also the volunteers from different schools and districts came to this event at 5:30 a.m. to support the event to be running well. Because there were many races for different peer groups, this event required many people to organize this peer groups from distortion.
There was no age limit for volunteers so many volunteers with young ages were welcomed to help. This event helped both volunteers and runners that volunteers were willing to wake up early in the morning and spending weekends and runners were able to maintain their health by participating in the enjoyable marathon where all age groups can participate and enjoy.
The number of volunteers had been constantly increasing. What are making these volunteers to keep coming back to this event? According to these volunteers, they were glad that they were able to get free T- shirt just like the one runners wore and also sponsors from different community and company gave out free stuffs for advertisement purpose.
Not only did the number of volunteers increase but so did the number of runners. Running is one of well – known activity which people can participate in anywhere at any time. What are making these runners to participate in this event just to run?
According these runners, this event was where all family can enjoy and have fun at the same time. They can also increasing their endurance and health at the same time. They can know their time when they finished race. They felt proud of themselves as they received medals as they finished the marathon course.
This event can be one of memorable marathon for family to participate. Runners can receive free T – shirt and award just by participating in the event and finishing the race. Their race time is also recorded that they can know their end time and look for improvement each year. For more information, visit http://www.nmspiritrun.org .