During the summer, many high school students plan to work their first part-time job. Oftentimes, these experiences are crucial in building the work experiences and confidence of a growing teen. By working part-time jobs, high school students are able to earn extra pocket money while learning important life skills. Students can also learn how to interact with different personalities working on a job, as well as learning to manage money.
However, with more than 2 million confirmed cases of Covid-19 in the United States, it has become increasingly dangerous to travel outside the safety of one’s household. Although some shops and restaurants have reopened since the initial lockdown, there are remaining concerns about the safety of those who decide to leave the home. “I would prefer my child to find alternatives to working outside the house, not only for the safety of their health, but for the rest of the family as well,” says Mrs. Butterfield, a mother to three children. So, is there another option for students rather than working outside at various retail and shops?
One option that presents itself as both a safe and feasible alternative to traditional part-time jobs are freelance jobs that can be taken on through an online platform. Using websites such as Tutorcare and Upwork, high school students can sign up as a freelancer online. If students are confident in certain subject areas or can provide specialized services such as editing videos or tutoring, websites such as these help clients discover their profiles.
It is easier than it seems to get started working an online part time job. Initially, students can begin by creating a resume or profile to upload to online platforms. It can be helpful to include information about the kind of jobs you are looking for and what projects you are able to take on. For example, if one decides to aim for a job as a translator, it should be specified how qualified one is with the languages they plan to work with. While there are many remote jobs available online, it is important to consider your strengths when finding the right posting.
Another job that is popular among teens is online tutoring. Through online tutoring sites such as Preply, students can choose subjects they are passionate about and teach others with the knowledge they have. This can be both rewarding and enjoyable to students, especially when interaction with others can be hard during social distancing. While teaching others about a topic, students can become better acquainted in the area themselves, providing another opportunity for learning. Once they are hired for a job, students can easily be paid through services such as Paypal and other safe online methods.
“I’m glad to hear that many websites and alternatives to traditional part-time jobs are available for students”, admits Olivia Yoo, a student in Los Angeles. With options like these, one can participate in various activities while maintaining social distancing. Even while staying home, there are various methods to earn money and work a part time job and spend a meaningful summer.