There’s a new threat to our environment that’s invisible to the naked eye in small quantities, yet it comes from, of all places, our homes.
Dr. Mark Browne, of the National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis, as well as his research team, have concluded a large study that tested beaches all around the world. Their results? Certain particles of plastic and man-made synthetic fabric, smaller than 1mm, are making their way from urban communitites into the ocean, and back into us.
These microplastics, upon further analysis, were deemed to have originated from synthetic clothing; whereas natural fibers such as cotton dissolve, these petroleum-based products stay in our environment, resisting decay for centuries.
Browne estimates that for every garment washed, approximately 1900 microplastic fibers are produced; that means the average American household produces over five million particles a year. Though this number may not seem dramatic, the combined effects are deadly.
These microplastics are released from the drainage water directly into the oceans, as they are too small to be detected by conventional filters. The particles are then eaten by marine wildlife, and accumulate in their cells. The end result? The plastics make their way back to the home through the wildlife, most often, onto our plates. There the cycle repeats, except that in their new “host”, the microplastics stay and accumulate. The long-term effects are dangerous and sometimes even fatal.
No beach is spared from this contamination; even the cleanest beaches in Hawaii and other tropical paradises have remnants deposited in their sand and surrounding waters.
One of the most clear parellels between people and microplastics was that the particles were found in greater concentrations in beaches near urban centers; for Angelinos, this means more than just another dirty shore.
“I like to spend the weekends with my friends at the beach,” says Brian Rhee, a sophomore in Los Angeles, “I don’t feel comfortable knowing our beaches are being contaminated with dangerous microplastics that we aren’t even aware of.” Many of his surrounding friends agreed. “It’s like swimming in and eating clothes.” remarked Andrew Kim, also a sophomore.
The emergence of microplastics on southern California’s beaches is not good news, but the long-term effects are uncertain, as this phenomenon is quite recent. Many scientists speculate that with increased development and production of petroleum-based products, this problem can only grow worse. Some go as far as to predict that wild marine life will not be suitable for consumption by the year 2075. Others argue that the problem is not so severe, and that increased regulation on the part of the government, in terms of waste disposal and management, will reduce the effects of the particles.
However, one thing’s for sure; this isn’t the first time dangerous substances have gotten into the water. Many Americans still remember the BP disaster that destroyed gulf coasts last year. Others remember blaring headlines about high mercury levels in tuna.
“It really makes me upset to know that we’re ruining our oceans,” says Michelle Lee, 15, “we’re the only planet in the distant universe with water, yet we’re constantly polluting it with dangerous chemicals and substances.” Michael Park, a junior, agrees, stating “At least we used to pollute [with] stuff we could see. Now we can’t even detect what we’re dumping into the oceans.”
However alarming the test reults may be, there’s little reason to fear, as southern California’s beaches will not be closed anytime soon, or display any obvious effects of the contamination, at least for a while. Despite this, many Koreatown students agree that we can’t go on ignoring an invisible problem.
“Running or hiding won’t cut it,” says Sarah Hong, 14, “we need to step up and make sure something gets done. It’ll be hard, but starting as a community is a step towards awareness. Hopefully, people around the world will notice this problem before it’s too late.” Hong ends on a lighter note, saying “…I’d rather not end up wearing clothes inside my body too.”