On Aug. 30, a 7-year old little girl was found naked after being sexually assaulted by a young man at the Youngsan River Riverside Road.
According to the Naju Police Office, the elementary student disappeared with her blanket at about 7:30 a.m. Right after receiving her mother’s call, about 160 police officers searched for the girl through the whole town. Finally, the victim was found naked holding her blanket on the riverside rode at about 1:00 p.m. After being raped, the girl’s large intestine was ruptured and her vagina was seriously damaged. The victim was so mentally shocked that she was not able to eat anything for about four days. She finally started speaking with her family after 13 days and was able to answer some of the questions that the doctors asked her.
The criminal, Go Jong-suk was familiar with the student’s family because he used to visit her mother’s store often and used to share small talks with her. Finding out that her house was easy to see from outside and simple to get in, he decided to commit the crime. Right after committing the crime, while running away from the crime scene, he even robbed about 200,000 won from a local supermarket. He wandered around the Naju downtown staying at PC rooms and saunas for a few days. Then, he decided to flee to Soonchun after seeing an article about the crime he had committed. Nevertheless, the police decided him as a prime suspect and arrested him right away. The DNA of the blood on Go’s underwear turned out to be an exact match to the girl’s which became clear that Go commit the crime.
The Naju Police Office requested an arrest warrant for sexual harassment on Sept. 1 in order to arrest Go Jong-suk. This issue was considered to be so serious and important that the arrest warrant was granted in 30 minutes. The prosecutors are even reviewing whether they should make him go under a chemical castration.
This event was not only cruel but also shocking as Go’s plan was so elaborate and bold. He even planned kidnapping the victim by wrapping her up in her blanket, and the fact that he committed the crime even though four family members were present in the same room couldn’t repress people’s astonishment. The seriousness of sexual harassment rose up to the surface as an important issue and is expected to get more attention than before.